Frequently Asked Questions

Please get in touch if you have questions not answered by the following.

What is Counseling?

Counseling is a designated time and place to focus on changes you want to make with the help of a professional mental health guide or companion.  Counseling is a safe place to explore yourself, examine your doubts or fears, and/or learn to appreciate who you are as an individual.  Some people seek counseling to come to terms with issues in their lives or learn to be more comfortable in their own skin.


When Should I Seek Counseling?

Just like physical health care, mental health care is about when you have the need and motivation; whether you have the metaphoric equivalent of a sniffle, or a full-blown illness that too greatly inhibits your day-to-day life.  Seeking counseling depends on when you feel it is a good idea to put the work and time into your self.


How Can You Help Me?

I will start by asking you what you want to accomplish in therapy.  I help by listening and asking clarifying questions.  As we talk about your goals we can discuss the differences between short and long-term psychotherapy.  Longer term therapy allows us to pinpoint possible origins of behaviors that were once useful but may now interfere with your personal growth and goals.  Identifying the sources of older maladaptive behaviors can often lead to solving many current worries.


What Can I Expect From You As My Counselor?

You can expect me to be compassionate, honest and trustworthy.  You can expect that I will use my critical thinking skills to help you re-examine aspects of your story from different perspectives.  I will respect your opinions, your story, and your culture.  I will be open-minded to your experiences and perspectives.  You should also expect me to tell you if I feel that I am not your best option for the work you want to do, and in your best interest, refer you to other, highly qualified therapists until you do find the right fit.  “Fit” and a good rapport with your therapist is one of the most important variables in successful therapy.


What Sort of Time Commitment Do I Need to Make For Therapy? 

A “therapy hour” is 53 minutes in length.  This allows therapists a few minutes between working with clients.  Please be punctual; if you arrive late we will still have to end on time so my next session may start on schedule.  Most people benefit from meeting at least once per week; more frequent appointments are possible.  There may be occasional “homework” to do between sessions, which helps bring the work we do in session into your everyday life.

SLC Counseling, 1399 S 700 E, Ste 2, Salt Lake City, Utah 84105 Phone and Text: 801.948.0944